SCHAF is focused on the
3 pillars of Prevention, Care and
Research. SCHAF’s Prevention initiatives include Awareness
& Education programmes, establishment of Know Your Genotype (KYG) Clubs,
and the use of ‘Point of Care’ Diagnosis for Genotype determination as well as
Genetic Counseling. To further drive prevention through awareness programmes,
SCHAF took the message of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) to National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Orientation Camp
Iseyin Oyo State on Wednesday 9th November 2022.
The awareness programme
featured health talks on SCD and was delivered to about 3,500 corp members at
once. Soldiers and members of NYSC staff also benefitted from the health
awareness talks delivered by the Trustee and Founder Prof Adeyinka Falusi. The
corpers were charged to know their genotypes, make informed decisions on future
partners for procreation and spread the prevention message to the nooks and
crannies of their places of primary assignment when posted.
At the end of the
lecture, a call for volunteers was raised and about 40 corp members voluntarily
gave their consent to further spread the message of SCHAF on SCD to their
various communities and places of primary assignment.