further drive prevention of SCD through awareness programmes, SCHAF took the
message of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) to NYSC Orientation Camp Iseyin Oyo State
on Wednesday 3rd May 2023.
awareness programme featured health talk titled “A Community Approach to the Reduction of Sickle Cell Disease in Oyo
State Nigeria: NYSC as a Vehicle of Change.” The awareness talk was
delivered to about 4,000 corp members. Soldiers and members of NYSC staff also
benefitted from the health awareness talks delivered by the Director of Operations,
Mr Abayomi Odetunde. The corpers were charged to know their genotypes, make
informed decisions on future partners for procreation and spread the prevention
message to the nooks and crannies of their places of primary assignment when
equally distributed SCD information, education and communication materials to
the individuals present. At the end of the lecture, corp members asked
questions bothering them on genotypes and sickle cell disease and were answered
satisfactorily by Mr Abayomi Odetunde.